Donate Now
Your donation helps support the ISA Education Foundation's mission to increase access to specialized appraisal education opportunities. To fund all of these important programs, the foundation accepts tax deductible donations from groups and individuals as well as corporate donations and sponsorship.
Become a Yearly Donor
By making a fully tax deductible contribution, you can become a donor of the ISA Education Foundation. All are welcome to join the foundation including appraisers, art professionals, historians, students, etc. Our diverse community supports the foundation’s ongoing work to promote the advancement of appraisal education.
Donor Perks
Helping the foundation mission to increase access to specialized appraisal educational opportunities, which supports the overall professionalism and connoisseurship of the personal property appraising field.
Your foundation donation can be included as part of your professional profile. Electronic badges are now provided annually upon request to each member after donation.
Join at a Sustaining Level or higher and receive a $40-$50 complimentary webinar through the International Society of Appraisers.
Enjoy the opportunity to join a foundation committee and participate in the planning of our seminar, marketing initiatives, scholarship work, or new member development.
The special “Multiyear Donor” designation will be linked to your donations for as long as you renew annually, at any of the following levels.
Corporate Donations
Thank you to our generous sponsors whom support the foundation’s ongoing work to promote the advancement of education related to personal property appraising.
We welcome sponsorship inquiries from a wide range of corporations in the arts, insurance, and legal fields about ways to support the mission of the foundation, and we can be reached at info@foundationforappraisaleducation.org if you have specific ideas about working together with your corporation.