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The ISA Education Foundation was formed to advance the education, capabilities and skills of personal property appraisers through scholarships. By attending classes through ISA, AAA, ASA, Winterthur or The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts, etc. and attending the foundation's annual seminar, recipients gain access to presentations by leading experts in their fields benefiting from a diverse network of industry participants.

Scholarships are awarded to applicants for educational development and skill advancement accomplished by attending courses, classes, and workshops (ISA, ASA, or AAA annual conferences are excluded) related to personal property appraising.  The foundation supports recent graduates, entry level up to seasoned appraisers-anyone seeking excellence and advancement within the appraisal profession by becoming better educated and qualified appraisers. Scholarships monies are raised by the foundation through yearly fund-raising with the goal of ever increasing the amount of funds available. 

Education Foundation Scholarships

2025 ISA Education Foundation Scholarships

ISA Education Foundation is offering thirteen (13) scholarships:

  • Ruth Isgro Scholarship Award up to $1,000

  • Gloria Moroni Scholarship Award up to $1,000

  • Wendy M. Gerdau Scholarship Award up to $1,000

  • EstateSales.Org Scholarship Award up to $500

  • Four ISA Education Foundation Gold Scholarship Awards up to $1,000 each

  • Five ISA Education Foundation Silver Scholarship Awards up to $500 each


  • To apply for a scholarship, submit a completed application prior to taking a course, class or workshop.  

  • Scholarship recipients are limited to receive one (1) scholarship per scholarship cycle. Scholarships cannot be applied retroactively. 

  • Scholarship monies will be paid directly to the sponsor of the course, class, or workshop you have selected on this application. 

  • Scholarships are awarded for costs for tuition of courses, classes, workshops, or programs. 

  • Travel, accommodations, or other associated expenses are not eligible. 

  • Scholarships will be awarded only for one (1) educational class, workshop, or course, related to personal property appraising per recipient; amount awarded will be for the actual cost of the course, up to the amount posted.

  • Scholarship recipients will be required to submit an impact statement of this scholarship and a photo of themselves; monies will not be paid out until after receipt of statement and photo.

$10,000 in Scholarships


  • DEADLINE for Submitting Applications: May 15

  • Applications not accepted after this date

  • Please note: You will receive an email confirmation within 48 hours of receipt of your application.  

  • If you do not receive a confirmation (check spam/junk folder first), contact:

  • SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED: June 21 during the ISA Education Foundation Business Seminar

  • Recipients will have one year from the date the scholarship is awarded to complete their course, class or workshop. 

Scholarship Application Guidelines

  • All scholarships are open to both new (less than 2 years experience) and experienced appraisers, students, and individuals seeking to further their educational development in the area of personal property appraising. 

  • Applicants from all appraisal societies are welcome. 

  • Past winners within the previous five (5) years are not eligible. 

  • Directors, officers, and employees of the International Society of Appraisers and the ISA Education Foundation, members of the ISA Education Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee and their relatives are not eligible to apply for ISA Education Foundation Scholarships.

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