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About the Foundation

The International Society of Appraisers Education Foundation's mission is to raise funds and award scholarships to those seeking to improve their knowledge in the field of personal property appraising. As a nonprofit organization independent of any professional appraisal societies, the foundation welcomes all appraisers to become members and/or apply for scholarships. Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned professional, we believe that the pursuit of appraisal education is a worthy endeavor to support.

Founded in 2003 as The ISA Education Foundation, the organization was officially established under Illinois law and granted nonprofit status. In the summer of 2008, the name changed to The Foundation for Appraisal Education (FAE) to help denote the organization as a separate corporate entity from its parent organization, The International Society of Appraisers (ISA). Gloria Moroni, Rick Casagrande, Anne Blumer, CD Gallimore, and Nancy Bangiola were the first Board of Directors of the Corporation. The foundation is not affiliated with the Appraisal Foundation (TAF), which is the Congressionally authorized non-profit organization dedicated to promoting professionalism in appraising through the establishment of appraisal standards and appraiser qualifications. In 2022, the organization changed its name back to the ISA Education Foundation in an effort to identify the individuals that fund the organization, ISA appraiser members.

The foundation began awarding scholarships in 2004 and currently presents a number of individual scholarship awards each year. Grants for group educational opportunities are also awarded. Please visit our scholarships page to learn more. To fund all of these important programs, the foundation accepts tax deductible donations from groups and individuals as well as corporate donations and sponsorship. To learn more about scholarship and donation opportunities, please feel free to contact us.

We thank everyone for the continued support.

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